Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Last Ditch Effort

Monday morning, my fellow team members and I have all convened for a group meeting to update ourselves on the status of the project from each individual contributors perspective and pace of progression through their respective issues and goals. With little to no time to contribute in the past two weeks due to the end of semester assignments and exams due and taking place, I found myself bereft of useful and tangible output to discuss in the meeting. Keeping this in mind, I have to set aside my initial undertaking of updating the wiki and the comments in the API and refocus all of my effort on the more pertinent task of testing fellow group member Edward Hanna's pedometer API with my android device and churn out some preliminary reports on the battery performance and any potential concerns that are associated with it.

So far this week I have managed to finally set up and build the working API with the pedometer plugin on eclipse. My particular HTC android model is relatively outdated at this point, and has been slightly irritating when it came to USB device discovery, since the drivers provided by the manufacturer are both cumbersome and half-working at any given time. Nevertheless, after a bit of toiling around with the android plugin downloads for eclipse, currently all is well and ready for testing in the coming days.

I also happened to experience a random hiccup in my hg environment when I tried to pull any updates or changes from Hanna's branch of the repository. After leaving it be for a few hours and asking a fellow CDOTter to come take a look at it, thinking my private key somehow got lost or corrupted in the system, after a few tests of what happens on pull and update commands, everything was working flawlessly without a shred of alteration or intervention on our end. This could very well be my first documented encounter with a ghost in the machine...

en → fr
verb: convoquer, tenir, se réunir

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