Thursday, 29 August 2013

Pedometer UI Testing

The last week of August did indeed turn out to be the most productive for me throughout my time working on this project at CDOT. So far, I have managed to sit down with fellow team member Carl Desautels and revise and elaborate on the comments that pertain to the logic behind medicaldeviceplugin.js and have those changes pushed up to my branch on BitBucket. With the exception of a relatively simple quirk that I am awaiting an answer on, the changes are ready to be merged into the main repository. I'm hoping that this is but one of many steps that will be taken in the future that will provide new team members that will need to familiarize themselves with the API will have a less daunting experience when initially tackling the code.

The most important (and also the most fun) task that was being worked on this week was testing Edward Hanna's Pedometer UI which involved a few hours of walking, jumping, and shaking my phone randomly at times in order to quantify the battery performance of the build in its current state. Unfortunately, I was only able to test it on one device (my HTC smartphone) and due to a lack of android-capable devices around the workplace, it will have to remain as such until further notice. I found a wonderful open-license template online that I have used to document the test cases and it can be found and immediately downloaded here.

My biggest challenges so far when attending to this project have been the steep learning curve of facing the API, most obviously due to it being written in two languages that I have yet to familiarize and master, as well the ability to wrap my head around the design philosophies that were implemented into the logic itself, including the handful of object oriented design patterns and their integral role in the process of piecing together the software architecture.

All in all, it's been a wonderful and thought provoking journey thus far. Here's to everyone's success on this project and every other wonderful project being worked on at CDOT!

en → fr
noun: temps, moment, fois, heure, époque, saison, rendez-vous
verb: chronométrer, calculer, prévoir
en → fr
verb: durer, persister, fixer, supporter
adjective: dernier
noun: dernier, forme

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Last Ditch Effort

Monday morning, my fellow team members and I have all convened for a group meeting to update ourselves on the status of the project from each individual contributors perspective and pace of progression through their respective issues and goals. With little to no time to contribute in the past two weeks due to the end of semester assignments and exams due and taking place, I found myself bereft of useful and tangible output to discuss in the meeting. Keeping this in mind, I have to set aside my initial undertaking of updating the wiki and the comments in the API and refocus all of my effort on the more pertinent task of testing fellow group member Edward Hanna's pedometer API with my android device and churn out some preliminary reports on the battery performance and any potential concerns that are associated with it.

So far this week I have managed to finally set up and build the working API with the pedometer plugin on eclipse. My particular HTC android model is relatively outdated at this point, and has been slightly irritating when it came to USB device discovery, since the drivers provided by the manufacturer are both cumbersome and half-working at any given time. Nevertheless, after a bit of toiling around with the android plugin downloads for eclipse, currently all is well and ready for testing in the coming days.

I also happened to experience a random hiccup in my hg environment when I tried to pull any updates or changes from Hanna's branch of the repository. After leaving it be for a few hours and asking a fellow CDOTter to come take a look at it, thinking my private key somehow got lost or corrupted in the system, after a few tests of what happens on pull and update commands, everything was working flawlessly without a shred of alteration or intervention on our end. This could very well be my first documented encounter with a ghost in the machine...

en → fr
verb: convoquer, tenir, se réunir

Friday, 2 August 2013

Hordes of Inquiries, Pt. 2

I am pleased to report that I have made my - albeit small - first commit to the project repository. It encompasses a few updates to the comments in the medicalDevicePlugin.js file that follow the inheritance paths of a few objects and properties. Due to the unfortunate constraints of it being a Friday, most of my questions were meant to be directed to team lead Carl Desautels and will trherefore have to wait until early next week along with a corresponding pull request. The use of Cordova's methods in the javascript code remains relatively elusive and is thereby currently keeping me from being able to piece together the communications between the native code and the front end.

Migrating from git to hg commands was slightly funky, but not headache-inducing in terms of difficulty. Many of the verbs remain unchanged but some colloquialisms for how the API labels the branches and history is something to get used to, and worst comes to worst is always there to remedy most of the problems that anyone would face. At least I still get to use the git bash interface for command input, which is desirable.

Updating comments and documentation will continue for the next two weeks, and will be followed by executing and testing the environment on my phone to report and analyse any and all battery performance issues.

The biggest challenge being posed so far is having to deal with the lack of time I could spend with the team and API itself due to both the nature of set part-time hours and having to finish studies alongside this endeavour.

Here's to hoping for an even more productive output for the coming weeks, most likely in the cost of sleep -