* According to the class diagram (https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8075/8361841953_4d4a8a58e2_b.jpg),
the logical starting point would be medicalDevicePlugin.js, but how does the variable flow in the initial function (function(window, cordova, undefined)interact with Cordova? What would be the concept behind its nature? Is this a variant of the cordova.exec function cordova.exec(function(winParam) {}, function(error) {}, "service",
"action", ["firstArgument", "secondArgument", 42,
false]);? I am currently referring to the Cordova documentation at http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.5.0/guide_plugin-development_index.md.html#Plugin%20Development%20Guide. This partially applies to the next caveat.** In order to see and interact any of the iOS integration code including elements of phonegap, I would have to at the very least download and install a Linux distribution on VirtualBox due to the constraints of working in Windows. So far there is no loophole around this, since the one project that was meant to add Objective-C capabilities to Eclipse has filter incompatibilities with version Kepler (https://github.com/hemantasapkota/j2objc-eclipse-plugin/commit/7bd9608020044bcea3b5ce73577bea9a0eedb17f). Is there a workaround or alternative for this that I haven't been made aware of yet?
In congruence with the above tasks, I am slowly but surely getting through the reference material, primarily focusing on O'Reilly's "Javascript: The Good Parts" in the meantime. So far, it's quite thorough on the inner workings of JS but the convoluted wording and explanations of certain features such as the apply method and prototypical inheritance are worded in such a way that I require clarification from peers around the office. Nevertheless, I soon plan on including Java reference material so that I can start understanding the native code integration.
Other goals for next couple of weeks are to get the eclipse/ADT environment to successfully compile and execute the default branch (working version) of the app. I appreciate everyone's past and future input and help in pointing me in the right direction throughout this journey.
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